Monday, October 24, 2011

Raynell Maxson - Skye Barrett

Cory Maxson - Tupac Shakur

 There are no physical or character descriptions of Cory in the play. He is 17 years old, that is simply an assumption as Troy and Rose have been married for 18 years. He plays football, so he must be fit. Found this picture of Tupac and he definitely can play the character of Cory Maxson. He loves and feels protective of his mother Rose, when Troy was hurting Rose, “Cory comes up behind Troy and grabs him… Cory throws a glancing blow that catches him on the chest and knocks him down” (72). The Marines honed the sinews of his body seven years later when he comes back home for Troy’s funeral. As you can see, Tupac has honed his body into a fighting machine.  

Gabriel Maxson - Michael Clarke Duncan

Gabriel’s character is special. According to the book, he is “46 years old, has a metal plate in his head, an injury during World War II.” The actor I had in mind for Gabriel is Michael Clarke Duncan who played John Coffey in the movie, Green Mile. Mr. Duncan has such an open, happy and innocent face that he can play Gabriel Maxson very well. Gabriel “believes with every fiber of his being that he is the Archangel Gabriel”(24).  John Coffey was unearthly, he had the ability to heal. Gabriel is in his belief that he is Archangel Gabriel is also otherworldly. He is certainly not aware or conscious that his brother Troy took his money and bought the house, yet he has to pay rent. Like his namesake, Gabriel Maxson is powerful, but gentle: a protector as was evidenced by “That’s the hell hounds. I got to chase them out of here. Go on get out of here! Get out!” (27). Michael C. Duncan is such a big man, but he is gentle; exactly like Gabriel.

Lyons Maxson - John Legend

John Legend embodies Lyon’s look and personality. I cannot recall watching him in any movies, but during my search for this role, I stumbled on this attractive, clean-cut African American singer/actor. He sports a  “neatly trimmed goatee” (13), even his clothing in the picture match the description in the book: “sport coat, white shirt, tieless and buttoned at the collar” (13). The character description in the book, give me a sense that he is not serious, stable, salt of the earth type of person, but more of the creative and sanguineous bent. “Though he fancies himself a musician, he is more caught up in the rituals and “idea” of being a musician than in the actual practice of the music.”  A singer/actor will be able to comprehend what Lyons is going through. Mr. Legend is both an actor and singer, he is competent enough to play Lyon’s character.

Rose Maxson - Eartha Kitt

I chose Eartha Kitt (in her 40s) for Rose as there is hidden, tensile strength in Ms. Kitt’s small and vulnerable person. There is no physical description of Rose in the book, but her sassiness and strength is plainly seen in the play. As this passage states, “I told him if he wasn’t the marrying kind, then move out the way so the marrying kind could find me” (6). The book also alludes to her attractiveness as evidenced by Troy stating, “I looked here. Looked there. Saw Rose and latched on to her” (6). Ms. Kitt is an attractive and sensual woman, in this aspect she could play Rose. There is also strength emotionally and mentally, as evinced by her character as Cat Woman. Rose displays this emotional and mental strength when she found out that Troy will be a daddy. Here is what she said in page 70-71:

Don’t you think it ever crossed my mind to want to know other men? That I wanted to lay up somewhere and forget about my responsibilities? That I wanted someone to make me laugh so I could feel good? You not the only one who’s got wants and needs. But I held on to you, Troy. I took all my feelings, my wants and needs, my dreams… and I buried them inside of you… I planted myself inside you and waited to bloom…I gave everything I had to try and erase the doubt that you wasn’t the finest man in the world…. Cause that’s the only way I was gonna survive as your wife.

It takes emotional and mental strength to erase any doubts you have so that you can survive and keep the life she had.

Jim Bono - Laurence Fishburne

Troy Maxson - Samuel L. Jackson